The opportunity arose unexpectedly; we could buy the 34 acre farm of Andy's youth, so we jumped on it. We'd always wanted to be on a farm.  Against almost everyone's advice and over our own doubts, we left good paying jobs in the city and, at the tender age of 60, moved into the old farm house, sagging and creaking with the weight of its 150 years. We wanted to find a way to make the farm itself pay (as well as to pay for the farm), but lacking deep pockets we knew we first needed a business to generate cash flow to work with and pay the bills.

 After due diligence we decided to produce fermented foods, one of the fastest growing food categories in health food stores and food co-ops (see our other website:  As the demand for ferments grew, so had our business, and after five years we brought our first cattle onto the farm.  They were Western Scottish Highlands, the oldest registered cattle breed, with their characteristic shaggy coats and majestic horns.  Then we added American Guinea Hogs and Kune Kune pigs - heritage breeds of smaller size, typically homesteader's hogs.  Kids love them and they love kids, flopping onto their sides for a belly scratching.  Four years ago we switched to Irish Dexter cattle, another unique heritage breed and one that is making a comeback in popularity after getting quite scarce. We plan to eventually milk these cows, several of which have A2A2 genetics.

One of the foundational principles of our farming endeavor is to make this a place of opportunity for young people who share our vision and we welcome young people to prosper with us.   So far our grandsson and granddaughter started and ran the tomato ferments business and my brother makes and sells herbal tonics under our label. Another young lady grows part of her market garden here, selling her produce at farmers markets in Indy. Recently, we have been joined by our farm manager, Desiré, who is helping us expand all our operations and she’s adding some of her own including a meat goat enterprise, beekeeping and log grown shiitake mushrooms.






